The Chronicles

If you’re following along with the One Year Chronological Bible Reading Plan, you may already be aware of that. And I hope you look forward to watching these short videos by the Bible Project. I think they do such a great job of explaining the story within each book as well as how each book contributes to the story of the Bible as a whole. The Chronicles video linked below is only 6 minutes and 28 seconds long.


Ruth and Samuel are Just Around the Corner

Sunday we read the book of Ruth and then Monday we start reading 1st Samuel. Enjoy the two videos linked below (each under 10 minutes long) before you open Ruth so you know where the story is headed. If you’re a subscriber, you’ve already received the posters and the outlines, so you can follow along with those as you watch the videos. Enjoy!


Heyeah come da Judge(s)… “I know to you I may look old, hope this statement ain’t too bold, but heyeah come de’ Judge, heyeah come de’ Judge!” That’s right! The book of Judges is up next and Judge Pigmeat Markham isn’t mentioned once! Haha!

What I see when I read the events in Judges is the US of A and nations all over the world, all throughout time, replaying the same tragic tales over and over because of the original lie, “…you will be like Elohim,…” Almost 3,000 years ago, King Solomon said (he hasn’t been born yet at this point in the story), “And there is nothing new under the sun.” If that was true waaaaay back then, imagine how much truer it is today. Watch the <8-minute video linked below and allow yourself to see stories of Elohim’s unending, unfailing grace for His wretched people, and let yourself understand that we’ve been granted EVEN MORE grace than they! WOW!