Isaiah and Micah

As you know, we started reading Isaiah last Saturday and we’ll read Micah this weekend. (Part 1 is 8:11 minutes long and Part 2 is 8:05 minutes long) (6:39 minutes long)

Thank you for your patience and I hope you’re enjoying the videos to go along with your reading. I think they enhance the story exponentially, don’t you?

Jonah, Amos, and Hosea

Sorry to be getting this out so late. I know we read Jonah over the weekend, today we finished reading Amos, and tomorrow we start Hosea. Those three videos are linked below and subscribers will receive the posters and outlines a bit later today. (9:01 minutes long) I love how they summarize this book as satire. This video gives us such a clear understanding of this obscure little book in the Bible; it makes me want to make reading the whole book a daily thing! (7:13 minutes long) I’m always amazed at how each book of the Bible is set up in a certain literary style and so well done! They should be used as standards for modern-day writing. Beautiful, poetic, organized, intelligent, informative – all the good stuff! (7:36 minutes long) This video explains the book of Hosea better than I’ve ever heard! And the book linked below is such a good “modern-day” telling of the story of Gomer and Hosea (California’s gold country, 1850). It’s not an affiliate link. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers; I highly recommend this book.

I sincerely hope you make 32 minutes available in the next couple of days to watch the above videos. You’ll be so glad you did! And that’s all for now!

The Chronicles

If you’re following along with the One Year Chronological Bible Reading Plan, you may already be aware of that. And I hope you look forward to watching these short videos by the Bible Project. I think they do such a great job of explaining the story within each book as well as how each book contributes to the story of the Bible as a whole. The Chronicles video linked below is only 6 minutes and 28 seconds long.
